Study of Substacks

Samantha Gentile
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

While I was on Substack, I thought I would use the time to research something that could be beneficial to me and my (hopefully) future career! One thing I do not necessarily like about Substack is the lack structure when you search things. Some things did not really match what I was looking for and as an organized person it bothered me a little (maybe a lot).

Link In Bio — Rachel Karten: This was the first Substack account that I stumbled upon and I think the author had a really good approach. She introduced herself as someone who has been working in the social media industry for years and has picked up a thing or two that anyone with a social account could benefit from. She said she was going to give relevant advice, some interviews from industry professionals who were “doing it right” and much more. If I actually had a paying job in the industry I maybe would subscribe!

CreatorKit — Blake Emal: While this substack does not have a lot of subscribers, I do really like the substance it provides. The posts on this specific page are very well organized and are aesthetically pleasing. Simply put, the layout is what would make me want to see more.

Boundaries & Burnout — Taylor Loren: Though this is not in the social media category, this account definitely intrigued me. She is very raw in describing what her page is about, which is nothing in particular. She lost her job and is trying to navigate through this hard time which is something I think is very interesting. I think it takes a strong person to write about hard times but that is also something that resonates with people and that people would want to hear about.

In Bed With Social — Marie Dolle: This page is super fun with a lot of colors and life to it. I think that is something that definitely grabbed my attention as many other articles either didn’t have pictures or were simply too bland for my taste. This account has a lot of different articles outlining different important ideas and it seems to be doing okay! I think the biggest thing also is that she is using this platform to sell her book and further her personal business.

Culture Crave — Zach Williamson: This account is very odd to me because it covers such a wide range of ideas and subjects. It covers everything from social strategy, movie & tv, case studies, social platform trends and a lot more. It seems very broad to me which isn’t necessarily a good thing. I wouldn’t want to subscribe to someone for social trends only to start getting Star Wars fan fiction.

